Sean Billz
Sean Billz Interview
Author: SPF
SPF: Now that the third mixtape has been completed, what are your thoughts on the final product?
Sean Billz: I am very pleased with how the third mixtape came out in the final product. I thought the songs that made the final cut were really good and the artists showed much improvement in their skills and abilities. I’m very excited about the release because I feel that we showed growth on this mixtape in many areas from the artists' songs to the sound quality. I can say that the third mixtape would probably be my 2nd favorite out of the three official mixtapes that we have released, with the second mixtape being my favorite.
SPF: Favorite song(s)?
SB: My favorite songs from the third mixtape would have to be: "Sincerely", "You Will Lose", "Only For So Long", "In Circles", and "G.R.O.W. (Greed Raising Our World)".
SPF: Have you named any singles yet?
SB: We haven't officially named or announced any singles from the third mixtape yet, but the label is planning on determining those singles very soon. There are several songs such as "Sincerely" and "Signs" that I already have in mind for being possible singles with music videos to accompany them.
SPF: Excellent. Can you get more specific about the music videos?
SB: Yes, I have plans and ideas floating through my head about music videos that I would want to make for certain songs. For this mixtape we are planning to release several music videos for each song that we release as a single. With the success that we had from the label's first music video for "What Type Of Artist Are You?" featured on our second mixtape, we are planning on collaborating again with SPF and his video production company for the upcoming music video
releases. I think that there are going to be some great videos made and released from this mixtape.
SPF: In what areas have Reality Check Records really grown since the last mixtape?
SB: I feel that RC Records has grown in several areas since the previous mixtape's release in 2006. In those two years spent without releasing a project the label focusing on growing and further developing on the business side. The label became an officially registered independent record label in November 2007, so that was one of the big accomplishments that we achieved in that time. We also focused more on the development of our artists in allowing them to see growth in their skills and abilities as artists. One of the other major things that we did to allow RC Records to improve and grow is that we purchased better equipment for the label's recording studio. This allowed for an easier recording, mixing, and mastering process and also for better sound quality on the songs. This is something that many people who have purchased a copy of the third mixtape have pointed out in the sound quality being better than it was on the second mixtape.
SPF: Talk about your tentative plans for the next RC Record, your very first solo album?
SB: Well, the plans for my debut solo album are coming together quite nicely since the label is going to be focusing more on the artists’ solo careers in starting to work on solo projects. I can say that I have been well prepared for my debut album as it something that I have been working on and planning on the side for some years now. Since I haven been working on this project for a few years, I have about 38 songs fully written that are going to up for possible tracks on the album. These are songs that were written over two years ago and songs that were written for the third mixtape but didn’t make the final cut. So now I am really focusing on the music production part of the album, as I am going to be producing every track on the album. I can say that the production is coming along very nicely and some wonderful musical tracks have been created. I am going to release a solo mixtape before releasing the album, as the mixtape will serve as hype and promotion for the album’s release. We are currently planning for the mixtape to be released this summer, while the album’s project release date is 2009. I’m very excited about these initial solo projects and am working hard on making them as perfect as possible.
SPF: Terrific. So sometime in 2009 we can expect the solo album?
SB: At first the label said that we would try to have the album released in Fall 2008 after the mixtape’s release during the summer. But I was against this decision because I don’t feel like I have a large enough fan base to properly support the project in sales. So the album is currently being scheduled for a tentative release date in 2009. I would rather wait a whole year if that’s what it takes to being able to build up my fan base and audience more with performances and guest features than to release the project soon as it would feel rushed and there wouldn’t be a lot of support for the project when it’s released.
SPF: Are there plans for another group mixtape in the near future?
SB: There aren’t plans for another group/official mixtape release in the immediate future. I started making plans for the label’s forth official mixtape while we were in production of the third mixtape. These were just basic plans such as the project’s title and things of that nature, but not too much in detail because we decided that we would focus more on solo work and put off releasing another group mixtape for a while. The closest date that I can say fans can expect another group mixtape is possibly in 2009 or 2010. When it was decided that we would start focusing more on the artists’ solo careers, we figured that it would be two or three years before we would release another group mixtape. Plus, there have been recent activity in the RC Records camp with artists being released from the label for various reasons. So once we have the current artists’ solo careers established and steady is when another group mixtape can be expected from the label.
SPF: You have taken Midnight, Ché Calhoun, and Charice under your wings and mentored them, molding them into their full potential. How much progress are they making? Any plans for their solo albums in the near future?
SB: I think that each of the artists has made substantial progress and growth as artists during their respective time on the label. Each artist has made progress in different areas such as live performance, recording, songwriting, and more. I am very pleased and proud of them for all of the progress and growth that they have made in these areas. As with any artist I think there’s always room for improvement in the strive for perfection, so I will continue to work with them for seeing improvement on their skills and ability in their artistic development. Out of the three artists I think that Charice has the most potential for her career and what she wants to do within the music industry. There were basic plans made for the artists’ solo album, but nothing has been planned in much detail as that will occur when it’s time to focus on that artist’s project. They are just focusing on further developing their careers. They will begin working on their solo albums once my debut album is completed and released.
SPF: You have really sparked this label and are really getting serious about seeing it grow into a
well known and respected Chicago based label. How are things going on the business aspect?
SB: Things are going very well for the label in regards to the business side of things. When this year started I said to myself that I wanted to make 2008 our year and I wanted it to be the year that we really break out in the music industry. I have made it a personal assignment of mine to become the best businessman that I can be and I feel like I am doing that in studying music business in school and constantly reading books about the subject matter. Another thing that have really been doing is networking and building relationships with other companies and businesses that can be assets to the label. I think that the rest of this year is really going to be good for the label and we are going to continue and grow in a great manner. I think this year is going to be the start of a lot of consecutive successful years for RC Records.
SPF: Any new and exciting aspects to the label?
SB: There are many things that we’re getting ready to do with RC Records. We are currently making plans for opening the label’s professional recording studio in Chicago. The plans are for having that project completed in the next couple years possibly by 2010. We are also developing the music production aspect of the label with additions of a live band and a music
production company. The live band is called S.O.B., which means “Sounds Of Brilliance” and it would consist of many live instruments and instrumentations. The music production company, called Klassic Kompositions, is something that I had developed for myself as a music producer. I had the idea of branching it out and making it a part of the label when I developed relationships with talented producers who were looking for a record label to call their home.
SPF: Are you looking to expand your artist roster?
SB: At the moment I am not looking to sign any new artists to the label. I want to continue to focus on developing the current artists that are signed to the label. I feel that once their careers are established and going steady then we can start looking to expand the label in signing new talented artists. I always keep myself as an artist, producer, or songwriter available for working with artists both new and experienced. I especially enjoy working with new artists that are just starting out in their career as I hope to offer some guidance and support in teaching them about various things in the music industry.
SPF: If you are looking to buy the mixtape and support RC artists, where can you find the mixtape online orcall to purchase?
SB: Currently all products such as mixtapes from RC Records are self-distributed and they can be purchased from any member of the label. The label is really looking to get started in the aspects of digital sales as that is becoming a major outlet for the music industry. In April the third mixtape will be available at a few online distributors (U.S. iTunes, Rhapsody,
Amazon) through a relationship developed with the online company TuneCore. We are always striving and looking for creative outlets in being able to get our music out and available to people to purchase until the time comes that we are able to secure major distribution in retail stores.
SPF: Any future gigs you have lined up?
SB: One big upcoming gig we have is our 2nd annual Project H.O.P.E. benefit concert that will take place in June. This is the second concert event that we will have put on for the Project H.O.P.E. series and it’s looking to be better than the first show. This is something that I am excited about because we get to showcase great local talent from around Chicago as well as donate money raising from the concert to a charitable organization. We’re hoping for this concert
series to continue to grow and become even better over the years that it is done in being something people look forward to from RC Records.
SPF: Would you like to tour the country, possibly after your solo release?
SB: That’s something that I would definitely love to do eventually in my career as an artist. It would be great if I could start touring the country after the release of my debut album to support the project and expose our music to more people around the country. This is probably going to be something that I will focus on getting done for when my solo project is released as I feel it would be a great resource for the label.
SPF: Last thoughts...
SB: I just want to thank everybody that took the time to read this interview and hopefully they were able to learn something about Reality Check Records, Inc. that they didn’t know of before. I also want to encourage everybody to support RC Records in purchasing the A.O.A. (Achieving Our Ambitions) mixtape. Support the music that supports the people. Check Up!!!
SPF: Now that the third mixtape has been completed, what are your thoughts on the final product?
Sean Billz: I am very pleased with how the third mixtape came out in the final product. I thought the songs that made the final cut were really good and the artists showed much improvement in their skills and abilities. I’m very excited about the release because I feel that we showed growth on this mixtape in many areas from the artists' songs to the sound quality. I can say that the third mixtape would probably be my 2nd favorite out of the three official mixtapes that we have released, with the second mixtape being my favorite.
SPF: Favorite song(s)?
SB: My favorite songs from the third mixtape would have to be: "Sincerely", "You Will Lose", "Only For So Long", "In Circles", and "G.R.O.W. (Greed Raising Our World)".
SPF: Have you named any singles yet?
SB: We haven't officially named or announced any singles from the third mixtape yet, but the label is planning on determining those singles very soon. There are several songs such as "Sincerely" and "Signs" that I already have in mind for being possible singles with music videos to accompany them.
SPF: Excellent. Can you get more specific about the music videos?
SB: Yes, I have plans and ideas floating through my head about music videos that I would want to make for certain songs. For this mixtape we are planning to release several music videos for each song that we release as a single. With the success that we had from the label's first music video for "What Type Of Artist Are You?" featured on our second mixtape, we are planning on collaborating again with SPF and his video production company for the upcoming music video
releases. I think that there are going to be some great videos made and released from this mixtape.
SPF: In what areas have Reality Check Records really grown since the last mixtape?
SB: I feel that RC Records has grown in several areas since the previous mixtape's release in 2006. In those two years spent without releasing a project the label focusing on growing and further developing on the business side. The label became an officially registered independent record label in November 2007, so that was one of the big accomplishments that we achieved in that time. We also focused more on the development of our artists in allowing them to see growth in their skills and abilities as artists. One of the other major things that we did to allow RC Records to improve and grow is that we purchased better equipment for the label's recording studio. This allowed for an easier recording, mixing, and mastering process and also for better sound quality on the songs. This is something that many people who have purchased a copy of the third mixtape have pointed out in the sound quality being better than it was on the second mixtape.
SPF: Talk about your tentative plans for the next RC Record, your very first solo album?
SB: Well, the plans for my debut solo album are coming together quite nicely since the label is going to be focusing more on the artists’ solo careers in starting to work on solo projects. I can say that I have been well prepared for my debut album as it something that I have been working on and planning on the side for some years now. Since I haven been working on this project for a few years, I have about 38 songs fully written that are going to up for possible tracks on the album. These are songs that were written over two years ago and songs that were written for the third mixtape but didn’t make the final cut. So now I am really focusing on the music production part of the album, as I am going to be producing every track on the album. I can say that the production is coming along very nicely and some wonderful musical tracks have been created. I am going to release a solo mixtape before releasing the album, as the mixtape will serve as hype and promotion for the album’s release. We are currently planning for the mixtape to be released this summer, while the album’s project release date is 2009. I’m very excited about these initial solo projects and am working hard on making them as perfect as possible.
SPF: Terrific. So sometime in 2009 we can expect the solo album?
SB: At first the label said that we would try to have the album released in Fall 2008 after the mixtape’s release during the summer. But I was against this decision because I don’t feel like I have a large enough fan base to properly support the project in sales. So the album is currently being scheduled for a tentative release date in 2009. I would rather wait a whole year if that’s what it takes to being able to build up my fan base and audience more with performances and guest features than to release the project soon as it would feel rushed and there wouldn’t be a lot of support for the project when it’s released.
SPF: Are there plans for another group mixtape in the near future?
SB: There aren’t plans for another group/official mixtape release in the immediate future. I started making plans for the label’s forth official mixtape while we were in production of the third mixtape. These were just basic plans such as the project’s title and things of that nature, but not too much in detail because we decided that we would focus more on solo work and put off releasing another group mixtape for a while. The closest date that I can say fans can expect another group mixtape is possibly in 2009 or 2010. When it was decided that we would start focusing more on the artists’ solo careers, we figured that it would be two or three years before we would release another group mixtape. Plus, there have been recent activity in the RC Records camp with artists being released from the label for various reasons. So once we have the current artists’ solo careers established and steady is when another group mixtape can be expected from the label.
SPF: You have taken Midnight, Ché Calhoun, and Charice under your wings and mentored them, molding them into their full potential. How much progress are they making? Any plans for their solo albums in the near future?
SB: I think that each of the artists has made substantial progress and growth as artists during their respective time on the label. Each artist has made progress in different areas such as live performance, recording, songwriting, and more. I am very pleased and proud of them for all of the progress and growth that they have made in these areas. As with any artist I think there’s always room for improvement in the strive for perfection, so I will continue to work with them for seeing improvement on their skills and ability in their artistic development. Out of the three artists I think that Charice has the most potential for her career and what she wants to do within the music industry. There were basic plans made for the artists’ solo album, but nothing has been planned in much detail as that will occur when it’s time to focus on that artist’s project. They are just focusing on further developing their careers. They will begin working on their solo albums once my debut album is completed and released.
SPF: You have really sparked this label and are really getting serious about seeing it grow into a
well known and respected Chicago based label. How are things going on the business aspect?
SB: Things are going very well for the label in regards to the business side of things. When this year started I said to myself that I wanted to make 2008 our year and I wanted it to be the year that we really break out in the music industry. I have made it a personal assignment of mine to become the best businessman that I can be and I feel like I am doing that in studying music business in school and constantly reading books about the subject matter. Another thing that have really been doing is networking and building relationships with other companies and businesses that can be assets to the label. I think that the rest of this year is really going to be good for the label and we are going to continue and grow in a great manner. I think this year is going to be the start of a lot of consecutive successful years for RC Records.
SPF: Any new and exciting aspects to the label?
SB: There are many things that we’re getting ready to do with RC Records. We are currently making plans for opening the label’s professional recording studio in Chicago. The plans are for having that project completed in the next couple years possibly by 2010. We are also developing the music production aspect of the label with additions of a live band and a music
production company. The live band is called S.O.B., which means “Sounds Of Brilliance” and it would consist of many live instruments and instrumentations. The music production company, called Klassic Kompositions, is something that I had developed for myself as a music producer. I had the idea of branching it out and making it a part of the label when I developed relationships with talented producers who were looking for a record label to call their home.
SPF: Are you looking to expand your artist roster?
SB: At the moment I am not looking to sign any new artists to the label. I want to continue to focus on developing the current artists that are signed to the label. I feel that once their careers are established and going steady then we can start looking to expand the label in signing new talented artists. I always keep myself as an artist, producer, or songwriter available for working with artists both new and experienced. I especially enjoy working with new artists that are just starting out in their career as I hope to offer some guidance and support in teaching them about various things in the music industry.
SPF: If you are looking to buy the mixtape and support RC artists, where can you find the mixtape online orcall to purchase?
SB: Currently all products such as mixtapes from RC Records are self-distributed and they can be purchased from any member of the label. The label is really looking to get started in the aspects of digital sales as that is becoming a major outlet for the music industry. In April the third mixtape will be available at a few online distributors (U.S. iTunes, Rhapsody,
Amazon) through a relationship developed with the online company TuneCore. We are always striving and looking for creative outlets in being able to get our music out and available to people to purchase until the time comes that we are able to secure major distribution in retail stores.
SPF: Any future gigs you have lined up?
SB: One big upcoming gig we have is our 2nd annual Project H.O.P.E. benefit concert that will take place in June. This is the second concert event that we will have put on for the Project H.O.P.E. series and it’s looking to be better than the first show. This is something that I am excited about because we get to showcase great local talent from around Chicago as well as donate money raising from the concert to a charitable organization. We’re hoping for this concert
series to continue to grow and become even better over the years that it is done in being something people look forward to from RC Records.
SPF: Would you like to tour the country, possibly after your solo release?
SB: That’s something that I would definitely love to do eventually in my career as an artist. It would be great if I could start touring the country after the release of my debut album to support the project and expose our music to more people around the country. This is probably going to be something that I will focus on getting done for when my solo project is released as I feel it would be a great resource for the label.
SPF: Last thoughts...
SB: I just want to thank everybody that took the time to read this interview and hopefully they were able to learn something about Reality Check Records, Inc. that they didn’t know of before. I also want to encourage everybody to support RC Records in purchasing the A.O.A. (Achieving Our Ambitions) mixtape. Support the music that supports the people. Check Up!!!